Thursday 31 May 2012

In their own Words- Comments from around the world

Dear Claude! 
Well done!  You learned some life changing lessons very early in life.  
What a fantastic man your father was - slow to anger and rich in mercy!  
Instead of lightening your father's load, God chose to strengthen his back because He knew he could take it!   Your father had to walk that difficult path as he was a 'teacher soul' - he had 7 little lives to teach.  How could he do the talk if he never walked the walk?   
Our God is a very clever God and your father was a truly inspiring human being - I cannot wait to the book! My best wishes, Jennifer Dias- London

Hi Claud and all the rest of the family
May I say from all of us here in the UK are proud of all of you on the successful launching
of Echoes of Footprints, we enjoyed seeing all of you and can't wait to meet  you all in person,
Safe journey by the grace of God to the uk we are looking forward with excitement to seeing all of you. Thank you all for allowing us to be a part of your achievements and hard work.
Love Shirley, Derek. Rod, Donna, Glenn & Emily - London

Dear Claudius and Family,
Just these few lines to convey my heartfelt thanks.
It was an evening to remember.  I am still living it and will not forget the spectacular way in which you presented your Book, 'Echoes of Footprints - extraordinary.  Thank You so very much for your wonderful generosity by way of inviting me through Russell D'Silva (thank you Russell, but for you I would have missed it). 
Kudos to you Claudius and your family for the 'facelift' our community dearly needs and for keeping our culture alive and ever strong.  May it never fade away into oblivion. 
God bless each one of you,

Barbara (Mannas) - Bangalore

Congrats Claudi,
On behalf of my dad, my three sisters, their families & self & family... CONGRATULATIONS,
You have made all those who have any link with K.G.F.... Feel proud... I mean it. your great success in business, interwoven with your simple down to earth truly a gift of the Divine. I'm sure all of your family, especially your father, who have passed on to the next realm of life... Will all be beaming with joy & pride.
With warm regards
Fritz Saldhana-KGF

Prasad, KGF Bangalore
I was privileged to attend your book launch. You are KGF's golden boy, me and my family are proud to know you and your brothers and sisters.

Dear Claud, 
Congratulations  to all of you on the successful India launch of the book.  It was very professional and inspirational. I watched with mixed emotions.  Tears as well as joy and that's before I have even read the book. We are very proud of all of you and your achievements. 
It was a wonderful tribute to your beloved father and one that radiated love and warmth.
Love Patricia - London

Dear Claudy,
In his time….God make all things beautiful !!!! and …. I remembered an old hymn when I wanted to mail you. Praise God
I just got back from my travel today and I felt the first thing was to text you a  mail, I read the complete book during my travel. Claudius it was just too good, fantastic, Super. Tears rolled out of my eyes and I was so touched.  I have no words to express.  I shared this will all my contacts and family members. We are so proud of you for uniting the Pereira family.
 Many a times when we read biography you feel it’s all about one’s individual experience and  self-imperative, s.  But this book of yours had a phenomenal true spirit of Gods grace and truth. Despite abundant growth in your business and success you have displayed the most important aspect of true life and  Family.. to bring all together and more so dwell equally. In today generation where can you expect such a story… most of them are drifted away living in their own cocoon, s and kingdoms…. It was a wonderful message for the younger generation and more so showcasing Al and Cal in your book was a wonderful concept… Kudos to you Claudy.
I am sure you are now even more busier post the launch of Echoes of Footprints… Once you are back next month I would like to come and meet with you and spend some time.Looking forward to see you.
I pray and wish you all the very best and let there be our Lords protection upon the whole family during your travel and all your programs. God Bless.
Daniel Bandari,Head - Business Development,
Dear Claude,
What a fantabulous release ceremony of the book in Bangalore . So enjoyed your dynamic talk too. What a nice  fitting tribute to be able to launch a book for a parent. Gratitude and praise to the blessings bestowed on you that made it possible. Will go online to tonight and get my copy .  Warm Regards and a Big God Bless,   
Rosa  Moraes. Dubai

Dear Claud,
Congratulations and best wishes for the launching “Echoes of Footprints”.
“Every successful  man has a painful past”; but gratitude is the attitude of man’s heart. We read in the Holy Bible that a tree can be judged by it’s fruits and a good tree cannot bear bad fruits and so if the fruits are good then the  quality of fruits assured.
You are successful in the combining the memories of the past, hard realities of life, combined with the dreams of the future.
Let this book become a powerful tool to motivate our younger generation. It is my pleasure and privilege to be associated with you and your family.God bless you.

Dear Claudius,
I am reading the book very minutely, at the end you will find not find the same Mendonca, but a different one for which the honor will be to the Pereiras, starting from Claudius.
There is long way to travel, we have just begun and you are the one I was in badly need off, who is not for formalities but for realities in life’s journey. Regards Freddy Mendonca , Past Chairman, Dimension - Mumbai

Dear Pereira,
Your Dad would be really proud of you, Keep up the good work. It would definitely inspire not one but millions….Cheers,
Shivram. K - Bangalore

Hi Claudius,

Congratulations on the book release!  I watched the video from  Fantastic presentation, I was touched by our families history as well as the sacrifices of your father, my Great-uncle Clarence.  What a role model to have in my life and somebody to look up too as an example of what a man truly is.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you and your siblings did to bring this inspirational story to the world, while exploring our families roots.
I look forward to reading the book. Have a great day Claudius

God bless ,
James Canada

Dear Claud,
Congratulations. You have done it not only with passion but also in style. I watched the entire proceedings online but regret for not being personally present to witness this great show. 
It was my privilege to read this book before it went to press and be a part of this project as a panel member. 
I am sure this book will go a long way to restore the deteriorating family values and strengthen the Family bonding of the siblings. Please convey my best wishes to your brothers and sisters and all the family members .
Mark D Souza-Bangalore

Hi Claudy,
The book launch was a remarkable Achievement in your life. Your speech was really thought provoking and made me  think of my father again who really sacrificed his life for his Children. Your dedication of the book to your father and all the other fathers shows your generosity towards others. I am really proud to be your childhood friend. My best wishes to you in all your endeavors.

Dear Claud,
Suuuuuuperb.................Amazing feat ,
I was glued to my screen .Proud of you buddy. Good luck and continue your march,
Hi claudy,
I have gone thru the brochure a numerous times and can't imagine what a way you'll have put the bits and pieces together and summarized the concept of this book it is just fantastic .
Will be a real eye opener for those who receive this dream book of the Pereira clan.
Claud i am really touched after reading this which tempts me to read it over and over again and see what we have all gone thru and now stand proud to boast today of our own achievements for which credit goes to our dear parents whom we are all proud of today and they are not our midst to share are joy at this glorious moment.
As always said the entire family is in our prayers and hope we go from strength to strength in the years to come. Regards to all at home,
Anto D`costa Mumbai

Dear Claudy,         Congratulations!  A story worth telling --- I always proudly reference your accomplishments during discussions and fell motivated by your example!
Arun Hampapur, PhD ,  IBM Distinguished Engineer & Director, Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences, New York

Hi Claudy,
Truly inspirational !  I am really pleased with the devotion and dedication involved in launching this book. It is indeed the greatest tribute from you all to your loving father. Just the prelude to the book in your email is very moving.
I would really like to get my hands on one when it comes out, so please advise.Congratulations again and wishing you all the very best of everything.
Kind regards ,
Darell Digges ,New Zealand - 0629

Wonderful job Claudius.  This is a great tribute to your Dad for what you are today.  It is their struggles and ‘never say die’ attitude that have provided us the opportunities to be successful today.
Thanks for utilizing the KE network for getting this book published. All the best. Ivan Fernandes – Global Chairman KE global - Dubai

Hey Claud, 
Congratulations on the release of your book coming shortly. Its like seeing the birth of another child. I know that a lot of effort has gone in from your end for it and now is finally taking shape. Are you not planning for the book release in Dubai? Warm regards,

Congratulations Claudy !!
A proud moment for all KGF boys !!

 Best Regards,Wilson ThomasValerie(neemonisse)scanlon, Bangalore
Dear Bernie,Philip,Patty,Claudy,Donny,Jammie& Lucy.What a wonderful event it was to all of us to be present for the launch of the book.We who lived in KGF and was close to Bernie were enthralled with the presentation, it brought back memories of the good times we had in KGF.My sister Sandra always remembers her close friend Bernie and she was moved to tears of sadness and Joy on the occasion.We all liked the presentation and must say "Dad Clarence must have been watching from above and smiling down on all of You". We all liked the way the whole programme was conducted especially the presentation before the chief guest arrived.

What a way to launch a book !! we are sure this Book will be a Hit on the stands as it is the true story of a family who weathered the storm and never sank like the Titanic but sailed through the rough seas and reached the destination without loosing track of the course.The narrations by each one of you were great and must say it was appreciated by all present.Allow me on behalf of the whole family to say a big thank you for inspiring us with the good work that all of you put in to pay a great tribute to Dad Clarence.

You must also excuse my Dad for not being present as he is 91 years and finds difficulty in walking and hearing. He would have loved to be present at this memorable ocassion as he was the one who signed Jamies's employment letter.

Finally allow me to say " May the Good Lord who has guided you through all the trials and tribulations give you the peace and comfort in the days to come.

This is the sincere wish of each and every one of my family
God Bless Valerie - nee Monisse

Dearest PHILLY and the rest of the family
I, extend my well wishes to you all and congratulate u all for this wonderful
Launch  'Echoes of Footprints'  of this wonderful book, this has given us an inspiration for all those present at this function and those who have been fortunate to have seen this live on the website and one of those is ME. It’s a very proud moment of joy to relive this glory of Life in this era.

Well for all this we have thank the ALMIGHTY for his abundant blessings showered on you’ll and to carry on with the mantle of ‘LEGACY OF THE PEREIRA FAMILY’.

As always, I am proud to be associated with this family, for all moments we have shared at various stages of life, My prayers and well wishes and support stands with you at all TIMES.
With all my love to each one of you and members of the FAMILY.
TRULY  YOURS,Anthony D`costa

Gavin. Lobow, Bangalore/ Pune
Dear Claudius Sir,
If was difficult to fight the tears from my eyes on reading the book. I was experiencing the same emotion long back while viewing the movie " The Sound of music".My confidence level has gone up manifold. Fantastic presentation.

Dr. G.V Walker, Bangalore / NY USA
The Pereira family,
Enthralling.......... a fantastic terrifically stimulating book. Gratitude to ones Parent is of Paramount importance. Superb presentation of reality.

Elsie Noronha, Mangalore/Bangalore
Have just started reading the book which is so compelling and I cannot put it down.
Congratulations to Mr. Claudius Pereira for this great tribute to the memory of his father.
I had a Mother too who brought up her six children on very little money but a lot of love from her by way of her toil and my Dad's love.

May the good Lord bless you, and all your respective families for being faithful to His Word and by living it in action. I also love the way that you have interspersed your story with words from Scripture.

Hello!  Claudius & All the Families – my heart is on fire after watching your Book Launch – Brilliant 2 hours of entertainment.  You all must be so proud of  your achievements.  The event appeared to have gone with a Blast – well attended – lots of Dignitaries – and V.I.P’s -  the most important people being yourselves.  Well done once again to all of you ,
 Love to everyone  --- Richard & Linda- Essex -  London

Dear Philip,
Congrats and all the best with the book. Regards and well wishes to you and all the family.
Best wishes ,Conrad Woolger – Australia

Hi Claudius,
Congratulations for the publishing the book.
From the newspaper got the gist that how much trouble you had faced in life? How much you struggled to reach this status.
Hats off to you !Regards, Umesh- Bangalore

Dear Claudius,
Yes, family value is the highest among all in this world which I have personally experienced when I was working for  you ,you are a person who cares, respect & value the people irrespective of their wealth/ position etc.,I am proud and lucky that God has given me an opportunity to me to work for you in my past. May God shower all his blessings to your and whole of your family.

Dear Claudius,
You were always my Hero. Just became a greater one now!!
From the gist of what I have read about your father, he seems like an incredible man, who has a fine, deep understanding of the terrain of life. His  destiny - had a view through a magnifying glass. Many people have this view, very few people get to tell their story. Even fewer get to learn from these stories.
Many many congratulations on making his journey, his stories, his insights and his love for life available to the rest of the world!
I have been thinking of what you have done in creating this book - as a son, as a family member, as a human being. I cant really put my finger on it, but its do with the larger picture of bridging that gaps between the intangible notions of - destiny - faith - spirituality - humanity. I hope with your work these concepts are better understood and reignited in the lives of many.
My deep regret / disappointment is that if I knew you were working on this project, I would have been most happy and willing to help out in what ever way.
Warmest Regards, Rolf Marren- Bangalore
Dear Claudius,
Very unfortunate not to attend your function.I know it is your dream and very few people in the world could ever do .To  share your journey with others is commendable.
Regards Gautam- Ahmedabad

Dear Claudius, 
Thank you and fantastic program of the release of your magnum opus book. It is really inspiring to read the reivews in the media. I congratulate you and your team for bringing out such a book which has the power to motivate and guide the young generation. I once again wish the event a great success.
Regards Siraj- Bangalore

Jemima, Trichi Australia
Congratulations!! cannot stop reading the book, it brought tears to my eyes, as I did not do what I had to do for my dad who has left us to be with the lord.

A.QUADROS, Bangalore
Hi Claudius,

Congratulations! It's a tribute not only for your Dad but also to all the Dad's in the world who sacrificed their life for the sake of children and have become unsung hero's. We always see Mom's are being adored and many songs,poetry and literature's are written on them.

My Dad started his first job with Royal Air Force for Rs.16/- salary/month , fought second world war and then continued with Indian Air Force and again fought Independence War,China(1962) War and a War with Pakistan in 1972,injuring and risking his own life, but still raising six children and placing them in good positions. Hat's off to All the DAD's.

Mark Joseph, Florida,MI
It has been a great pleasure to know your family for the last 15 years. This is a great book for our kids. Was very impressed with the launch. Good luck.

Brenda Joseph, Macomb, Michigan
Freddy, Swithin and Jonathan join me in congratulating the Pereira family on the book launch. It is such a wonderful tribute to your father. Thanks for making it possible for everyone around the world to watch the launch live and to share in this special occasion. I am sure it will touch many lives and teach good family values. It is a pleasure and privilege knowing the family.

Princel, Doha
Hello Claud,

Nice to read about this Article and its a Proud Moment for the Entire Pereira Family.
Good Luck and All the Best for all your Launches.

Vally & Bertha Fernandes, Kulshekar/Bangalore
Dear Claud. Very few children remember all that their parents have done for them. Fortunately, you dad had wonderful children who have documented all they could for posterity.

Keshavamurthy, Bangalore
Hello Claudius. Tracing the hurdles faced in the evolution of a family and thanking Providence for the eventual success is, in my opinion, an act of humility. That you had the courage to do so and finding joy to say so is also an act of humility at a higher plane. Congratulations and hope your book becomes and inspiration to the readers. God bless.

Dear Claud,
Pen is mightier than sword and the Book 'Echoes of Footprints' you wrote may become a powerful tool to inspire and motivate our younger generation.

Wish the launch functions a grand success and pray that your Book will enter every family that values family values.
Augustine & Jacintha D'Lima  Bangalore

Pratap Prabhu, Bangalore / USA

Hi Claudius,
Great to know that the book is now in print, Congrats. You have always been an inspiration and a dear friend. Your father must be so proud.

N. McGuire, NY - USA
I left KGF in the late 60,s.Your Father is Blessing all of you from above.This publication is a rare feat, and undoubtedly will create an environment for other less fortunate people to emulate. Fantastic Breakthrough Claud - Norman

Dr. J.F O'Donnell, Scotland
Echoes of Footprints is an amazing endevour. Your book will give company to my other prized possessions. Will meet you and your siblings at the London launch.

Wilma Fernandes, Bangalore
Congrats Claud and to your family. Great Work, Im sure this book will go on to inspire many!!

Albert/Tracy Rodrigues, Dubai
Dear Claud,
Wonderful to see your dream turning reality. I am sure this book will be a source of inspiration to millions of people who give up in life. Indeed we are proud to be associated with you acknowledging your efforts in inspiring people through your vibrant presentations and now through your book. Wish you all the very best.

Aravazhi, Dubai
Dear Claudius,
What an amazing journey this has been for you and your family. Having had the opportunity to listen to your early day hardships under the renovated roofs of Le Meridien in Bangalore ,I am able to relate to and admire the tenacity and resolve of yourself and your family to see through those turbulent times. Now that you have been contributing and giving back to the society is testimony of the fact that you have not forgotten the roots nor the misgivings of fellow beings. Truly proud of you.

Fr DEnzil Lobo SJ, Mangalore
Dear Claudius,
I am very happy to know that the book “Echoes of Footprints” will be released on 5th of this month. I congratulate you for coming out with this book on the courageous and inspiring life of your dad and his struggle to bring up a family of seven children. I am sure it will inspire all of us. I thank you also for coming to AIMIT recently and for interacting and motivating our MBA students. God bless.

Dr Anthony Pais, Mangalore/Bangalore
Dear Claud and the family. Congratulations . I am so happy and privileged today that I am associated with such a good and noble friend .Feel really sorry to miss the great occasion. Honoring a parent will bring you greater joys and blessings [Quotation from the bible ] With warm regards Dr Anthony, Rita and Andrea Pais

Ingrid Solomon, Mangalore/Bangalore
Once in a lifetime you come across a family like this once in an era you come across a story like this one. If you miss it, it will be your loss.

Veronica Alva, Udupi/Dubai
Dear Claudius,
I am very much sure this book will be excellent! I really can't wait to get one copy of this. May this book reach many hands and may all the contents in this book bring a lot of changes in families specially in children.With all the best wishes,

Pradeep Joseph, Bangalore
Dear TM Claudius,
Heart warming to see the effort into reconstructing the family tree and using the platform to honor the noble soul who taught the value of "values". Wishing you and family all the blessings from the Lord Almighty!

Tony Simon, Kerala
Dear Claudius, Echoes of Footprints will help the generations now and those to come understand how important family values are. I am waiting eagerly to buy and read your book!

Srinivasan Sqn.Ldr(Retd), Bangalore
Foot prints leave a memory.A memory of threads of sacrifice, love and involvement in the fabric of time.I salute your father Clarence Joseph Pereira.

Anand D Silva, Mangalore/Bangalore
Dear Claudius,
This is indeed remarkable. In today's world where getting seven siblings together for a marriage or funeral is difficult you have embarked on this rare journey along with your siblings. It not only speaks of your success in your professional life but also the values inculcated in you by your dad. This should inspire many youngsters who take their parents for granted and for whom unity in the family is just a 5 letter word. Way to go !!

Ivan Fernandes, Ashoknagar / Dubai
Dear Claudius,
Congratulations to the entire family for taking this daring initiative to remember your past and a great gift to all the hardships and challenges overcome by your Dad. He will be proud to see the values being passed on by his children. Let this inspire others to remember and honour their parents always. I look forward to the launch of this book this weekend in Bangalore.

S.George Timothy, Bangalore
Dear Claud, Knowing all seven of you siblings &the love, respect & admiration all of you have for your DAD is something I am lucky to be aware & every child has to imitate. I am waiting to not only read the book but will certainly gift it to all my dear ones to understand the man called DAD. May God bless you all.

Clarence Pereira, Bangalore
Dear Claude,
My Congratulations to you and your siblings for bringing out this book.It is very rare(impossible) for someone to remember his Dad & bring out a book in his name. In todays world of nuclear families this aspect is fast diminishing & we should be lucky if we can keep in touch with our children once they have flown the coop. My hats off to you in bringing out the Value of Family in your book.May you be blessed in your mission.

Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah-U.A.E.
Dear Claudius and Periera family, you are inspiring, aspiring and admirable to millions families and individuals, example to those love, respect and honor to their father, I am proud of you, may God bless you with good health and prosperity.

James n Shobha Mendonca, Vamanjoor / Dubai
Dear Claudius,
You have honoured your father and he would have been so proud of you. The values taught to you are so evident in your life. May God Bless you and the whole Pereira family

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